Unconfirmed rumors that Catherine Zeta-Jones would play Desiree and Angela Lansbury would play Mme Armfeldt have now been confirmed. I am so excited to see Angie in this role I could just about die. I may take a mortgage on my apartment (even though I rent) just so I can be one of those crazy types who sees a show 20 times. She. Will. Be. Fantastic. And I'm warming up to the idea of Zeta-Jones. I think she's be glamorous, elegant and sexy, and though I wish I could've seen a Victoria Clark or a Donna Murphy take on the role, I'm willing to let Catherine surprise me. Who knows, this could launch a whole new phase of her career.
Other interesting bits of casting (and my thoughts):
Alexander Hanson as Fredrik Egerman--Hanson did the part in London. I don't know anything about him, but I've had a devil of a time thinking of an actor who would be appropriate or interesting in this role, so perhaps it's just as well that Nunn is sticking with something he knows works.
Erin Davie as Countess Charlotte Malcolm--I'm kinda WTFing over this one. Yes, she's younger than I expect Charlotte to be (but as a pairing with Lazar I guess it makes sense), but I'm more concerned about Davie's ability to inhabit Charlotte's wry sense of humor. Davie didn't particularly impress me in GREY GARDENS or APPLAUSE, and Charlotte is one of my favorite roles in the musical theater cannon. I'm ever so curious to see how her and Lazar's characters are interpreted in this production, because right now it is pretty far out of my realm of comprehension.
Leigh Ann Larkin as Petra--Now we're making some good ol' fashioned sense again. She was fantastic as Dainty June in the LuPone GYPSY and will sing. the. shit. out of "The Miller's Son"
Hunter Ryan Herdlicka as Henrik Egerman--I googled his ass, and he just graduated from college. And is appearing on Broadway with Angela-fucking-Lansbury. I hate him/wonder if he's single.
Ramona Mallory as Anne Egerman--Her mom (Victoria Mallory) was the original Anne, and had an unnatural ability to hit high notes, so Sondheim basically wrote the part out of most human beings' range (which he has gone on record as regretting). Perhaps Ramona has a genetic disposition to singing up in the stratosphere? Let's hope. Also, I'm pretty sure she worked at a trashy New Hampshire summer theater with a friend of mine (who has since given up acting to go to Law School).
I am probably more excited about this show than any other coming to Broadway at the moment. Can I really wait until November?
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