10 May 2009

Mother's Day

This is about an appropriate Mother's Day Themed song as I could find, "My Best Girl" from MAME. I have a lot of affinity for this show, and this song in particular. I was hoping to find a clip of this number from the movie version which, though pretty dismal most of the time, did this scene quite nicely (or so I remember). In fact, this number ushered in a shift in the movie, after they were through with the overblown production numbers that were out of Lucy's range and focused on the book scenes and more intimate numbers. The supporting players throughout were excellent and Ball occasionally touching. Again, or so I remember. It's been awhile. The only appropriate YouTube clip I could find (i.e. with a kid and a grown up) was from a NJ Community Theater Production. It isn't phenomenal, but it's sincere and kinda sweet. Enjoy, and call your mother.

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