25 April 2010

In the Heights/Some End of Season Thoughts

It's been nearly 2 seasons since IN THE HEIGHTS more or less swept the Tony Awards.  Though Michael Reidel may kvetch, I have listened to the HEIGHTS recording with great regularity from the moment I got home from seeing it.  Though its detractors say the book is hoakey and old-fashioned, as a friend of my succently put it, "I have no complaints."  Was I able to predict the outcome of most story lines?  Sure--but rare is the musical that actually suprises me, and character is usually more compelling than story anyway.  And that score.  That score.  I'm sorry, after a character gets an introductory song like this, I care what happens to her--even if the same problem might not seem as big a deal to me.  Honestly, if, after this song, I heard that Nina's big conflict was lactose intolerance, I would still be on board for the ride.  Here is a great video of Mandy Gonzalez singing "Breathe".  I can't imagine this will stay up for long, so grab it whilst you can.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how you end Act I.  (The first 5m57s aren't entirely necessary in this context)

As we approach Tony Nomination time, I look at these and find this season completely lacking.  Only 2 shows (MEMPHIS and ADAMS FAMILY) have scores written explicitly for the stage (I hesitate to call MEMPHIS "original"; I have not heard ADAMS), and many of the others barely have books worth mentioning.  In my mind, BLOODSONG OF LOVE, currently scheduled to play at Ars Nova until May 9th, is not only the best new musical of the theatrical season, it's the ONLY new musical of the theatrical season.

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